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Helping Businesses Clear Regulatory Hurdles in Europe
Regulatory & International Trade | RIT
Regulatory & International Trade | RIT
Helping Businesses Clear Regulatory Hurdles in Europe

Quarterly Sanctions Update | Q4 2024 / Q1 2025

What’s New? The European Union and the United Kingdom remain committed “to keep up the pressure on the Kremlin” by way of imposing further sanctions as Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine enters the fourth year. Within a course of the last three months, the EU adopted two new sanctions packages, with new restrictions ranging from asset freezes imposed on over a hundred of individuals, companies and vessels to banning imports of aluminum originating in Russia. The United Kingdom followed the European Union’s suit, imposing new sanctions as recently as February 24, 2025.

US Policy Changes. Stay ahead of US law and policy changes, including shifting restrictive trade measures under the current administration, with our dedicated resource center available here.

Clarifying the Rules. The European Commission issued a series of long-awaited clarifications on the ‘best efforts’ and ‘no re-export to Russia’ clause requirements. The UK Office of Trade Sanctions Implementation (OTSI) also provided new guidance on ‘no Russia’ clauses, highlighting their role in due diligence best practices.

Expanding Sanctions Reporting. In the United Kingdom, a new group of companies, including insolvency practitioners, letting agents and art market participants, now fall under the reporting requirements relating to Russia sanctions.

Easing Pressure on Syria. The [...]

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Navigating EU Sanctions: How Investment Funds and Corporates Can Meet the ‘Best Efforts’ Standard

With the introduction of the 14th sanctions package, entities established in the European Union are required to ‘undertake their best efforts to ensure’ that non-EU subsidiaries they own or control do not undermine EU Regulation 833/2014 imposing EU sanctions against Russia, or EU Regulation 765/2006 imposing EU sanctions against Belarus. This obligation stretches to EU citizens, including those located outside the European Union, who control corporate and fund structures around the world.

The term ‘best efforts’ is not explicitly defined within the EU regulations. On November 22, 2024, the European Commission issued guidance on how to comply with this obligation in its Frequently Asked Questions on Russia sanctions (FAQ). The clarifications, however, largely reiterate obligations set out in the Preamble to the EU Regulation 2024/1745 which introduced the ‘best efforts’ requirement in June 2024.

In this alert, we summarize the key features of this provision, with a focus on how investment funds and other global corporates can meet the ‘best efforts’ standard. In response to the Commission’s overriding emphasis on awareness of one’s operations, existing structures and ongoing activities should be reviewed, and robust sanctions compliance policies should be put into place to efficiently navigate the increasingly turbulent EU sanctions [...]

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Relaxation of Long-Standing Restrictions on Foreign Investment in the Healthcare Sector in China

The demand for medical services in China is growing, with the country’s ageing population set against its potential for economic development. A joint circular released by China’s Ministry of Commerce, National Health Commission and the National Medical Products Administration in September signals a relaxation of China’s long-standing restrictions on foreign investment in the healthcare sector. Given a decline in foreign direct investment (FDI) in China generally, the announcement has garnered significant global attention.

To read the full alert, please click [...]

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New US Sanctions Against Gazprombank and Several Russian Financial Institutions

The US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has implemented sanctions on additional Russian financial institutions, notably Russia’s Gazprombank and several foreign subsidiaries. These blocking sanctions prohibit US persons and entities from transacting with Gazprombank or its listed subsidiaries, as well as any entity owned 50% or more by Gazprombank or any other sanctioned entity. OFAC additionally designated more than 50 smaller Russian banks, as well as more than 40 securities registrars, and a list of Russian nationals operating in the financial services sector.

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Understanding French Export and Re-Export Prohibitions: Ministry of Armed Forces Releases FAQ on Non Re-Exportation Certificates

On October 10, 2024, the French Ministry of Armed Forces released an FAQ relating to a Non-Re-Exportation Certificate (NRC), available in French here (FAQ). This document provides practical guidance to military companies exporting equipment covered by the prohibition on export or re-export to sanctioned countries. The FAQ complements the existing guidelines for completing certificates required by French authorities (see here).

Concerned companies should be mindful of consulting the FAQ when preparing their NRCs. It is crucial to closely follow the guidance from the French Ministry of Armed Forces in order to avoid any follow-up questions which may delay the transaction or trigger any further investigation from the French authorities. This is particularly important in circumstances where sanctions regimes, notably against Russia, are becoming increasingly significant and more strictly enforced (read our latest update here).

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